Knowledge and Tips

How many steps are there in the baking process?

How many steps are there in the baking process?

Whether make bread, cake, or cookies, follow these processes :

(1) The formation and expansion of gases (yeast, Baking Powder release carbon dioxide, water vapor),

(2)  The condensation of the gas in the bubble (the bubble in the gluten, the gas in the protein paste)

(3)  Starch gelling (water absorption of starch after heating to about 60 degrees begins to gelling, so that the product has shape)

(4)  Protein coagulation (protein begins to coagulate at 74 degrees)

(5) Evaporation of part of the water (so the baked bread is light, the one not cooked is heavy)

(6) Fat melting (different fats melt at different temperatures and give off gas)

(7) The formation and coloring of the surface (the product surface forms after moisture evaporation and drying, the milk, sugar and eggs will increase the color.)
